Snail Secretion Filtrate

We are a Snail Secretion Filtrate manufacturer and supplier

What is Snail Secretion Filtrate?

It is a powerful natural active of skin regeneration, with antioxidant and restorative properties. This secretion rich in proteins and polysaccharides that the snail secretes before certain stimuli, helps it to repair its skin and protect itself from external aggressions.

Helix Aspersa Snails

Helix Aspersa snails are a popular source of snail secretion filtrate, which is used in a variety of skincare products. To produce snail secretion filtrate, snails are placed in a controlled environment. As they move, they produce a slimy secretion that is collected and processed to create a concentrated extract. This extract is then used as an ingredient in a variety of skincare products, including serums, creams, and masks.

Properties and benefits of Snail Secretion Filtrate

Snail secretion filtrate has been a popular ingredient in the cosmetics industry for several years now, and for good reason. This ingredient is rich in properties and benefits that make it a valuable addition to any skincare routine. Some of these are:

  • Skin Regeneration

  • Wrinkle Reduction

  • Improves Acne

  • Spot Attenuation

  • Skin Smoothness

Properties and benefits of snail secretion filtrate - HOME

Who we are

AGROPEGSOL SAC is a Peruvian Company, dedicated to the production and trading of Snail Secretion Extract “APGHELIX PF”, a natural active with regenerative and restorative properties used in the Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Industry.

We were founded in 2005 and have more than seven years of experience in breeding and research of the Land Snail “Helix Aspersa Muller” and their derivates, during which time we have developed our own processes and applications. Our processing plant is specially designed for the extraction of this natural raw material with a standardized process, to obtain a high-quality active ingredient.

Our Main Product

APGHELIX PF is a powerful active ingredient, natural and ecological extracted from a defensive liquid secreted by a mollusc (Snails) Helix Aspersa Muller. It is a complete and balance solution for skin care products, created by a living creature to protect, restore, renew and hydrate its own skin.


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