
Our main product

APGHELIX PF is a powerful active ingredient, natural and ecological, extracted from a defensive liquid secreted by the mollusk Helix Aspersa Muller. It is a complete and balanced solution for skin care products, created by a living creature to protect, restore, renew and hydrate its own skin.

This secretion that the snail secretes when exposed to certain stimuli is rich in proteins and polysaccharides. This secretion helps it to repair its skin and protect itself when exposed to external aggression.

Cosmetic Uses

The snail secretion induces the proliferation and activation of fibroblasts and the increased production of collagen, elastic fibers and dermal Hyaluronic acid. It also encourages support through the facilitation of the assembly of the dermis.

Cosmetic Uses of Snail SEcretion Filtrate - Agropegsol


The snail secretion induces the proliferation and activation of fibroblasts and the increased production of collagen, elastic fibers and dermal Hyaluronic acid. It also encourages support through the facilitation of the assembly of the dermis.

Origin and Collectors

Our Process

The processing plant was designed according to GMP (good manufacturing practices) principles, to ensure product safety and quality. Our process to obtain the secretion of the gastropod is through controlled physical stimulation, which does not generate any damage to the animal.


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Cosmetic Uses of Snail SEcretion Filtrate - Agropegsol


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Stage 1

Collection and Purge

The first stage of snail secretion filtering is the collection of the snail. Snails are placed in a controlled environment where they are purged on some days. This is useful to obtain a better final product.

Stage 2

Washing and Selection

The second stage of snail secretion filtering is the washing and selection of the snails. These animals are carefully washed to avoid any damage to the final product, and verify that they will pass the extraction.

Stage 3


After selection, snails are stimulated for extracting the slime manually. This process avoids unnecessary damage to the animals.

Stage 4


In this stage, we remove any remaining impurities of the snail secretion and assuring the safety of the final product.

Cosmetic Uses of Snail SEcretion Filtrate - Agropegsol
Stage 5


Once the snail secretion has been filtrated, we pack the final product in different containers.

Stage 6

Quality Control

To ensure that the final product is safe for use in skincare products, we make a microbiological and chemical-physical analysis of the production batch.


We can deliver the product in these presentations:

Snail Secretion Extract

Certifications and Registrations

To comply with quality and health requirements worldwide, at AGROPEGSOL we pass the most rigorous controls and keep our certifications up to date. Not only did we get the Peruvian authorities to guarantee the healthiness of our filtered snail secretion, but we also have our product registered in the INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) registries.

Frequent Questions

We use < 1% Phenoxyethanol.

12 months since manufactured, as long as the package is store sealed at recommended conditions.

Store the product in a cool and dry place at room temperatures between + 10 °C and + 25 °C with relative humidity under 65% and away from sunlight. Any open container will be stored at + 4oC.

It will always depend on the client, but we recommend from 5% or more.

Yes. You need to contact us at this link.

Yes. Thanks to the peruvian weather, we can provide this product all year round.

The lot goes with lot number, expiration date, customer data, and SENASA’s (Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria del Perú) seal.

Contact Us

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